Thursday, January 31, 2008

The College "Relationship"

Alright, this post is personal. Real story.

The college relationship. How do we define such a thing? I don't even know. I thought dating was when two people like each other and one asks the other one out. However, recently I found myself in quite a pickle. A boy that I had been talking to decided we were dating. Or at least thats what I heard from my friends. Talk about an awkward conversation! I had to talk to him and tell him that we didn't really mesh! I was breaking up with someone that I didn't even know I was dating!

So I started thinking, how exactly do you define the college relationship? My friend John informed me that there are 3 stages to college dating according to him: hook-up, dating, and then the actual relationship. So is this true? I personally skip the "hook-up" stage. But dating before you start an actual relationship, I can definitely see how this is beneficial. You get to see the person one-on-one before you commit yourself to a relationship, which can be awkward to get out of. Most college students hang out in large groups so the date is nice to get away and really get to know the person. You get to know their likes and dislikes, interests, hobbies, and all other random facts in a location where you really are forced to talk. You can leave a dorm room when the conversation stops or turns forced, in a restaurant you're forced to sit there and find something new you have in common.

But my question still remains: how do we really define a relationship in college? Shouldn't we all be on the same playing field when it comes to this knowledge? How do people end up in a relationship and find out through their friends?

Oh college, will I ever figure you out?

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Drunk Driving

I know this topic is a little over done but recently there was a crash in my home town that made me really angry. The whole situation, the events leading up to it, everything about this story makes me so upset! You can read the story here. That is more of a follow up story. the original is here. I'll give you a little bit of a background for those of you who don't have the time to read the stories right now, though they should be read when you get a chance.

A man got drunk to the point where his blood alcohol level is 3 times the legal limit. He then decides to drive. Christmas time and a family from Maryland who just finished celebrating with relatives are heading home. The drunk man gets on a major highway going the wrong way. He hits the family's mini van head on killing 5 members of the family including an 8 week old child. The mother and the 4 children are dead and the man who was driving the mini van and 2 other children were hospitalized but since have been released.

Fast forward to January 18, 2008 where Michael Gagnon, the drunk driver, enters a plea of NOT GUILTY for all 5 deaths. He is now being held in jail under a bond of $1.75 million. He could get up 50 years if he is found guilty.

Now that you have the background, I'll move on to more important things like, how does he think he is not guilty? Drunk drivers make their own choices. They choose to drink that much, they choose to get behind the wheel. Where does he think his responsibility ends in this series of events? He needs to be held responsible for his actions.

I know that drunk driving accidents happen all the time, but that doesn't make them any less important. I know that there are other drunk driving incidents, in fact there were 3 in a 3 week time period in my area, and I shouldn't be focusing on just this one but this one happened to just be so horrific and happen in MY city! Toledo, Ohio and the surrounding area is kind of like the show Cheers. Where everybody knows your name. It's small and you can't go anywhere without knowing someone. So to have someone like this happen here, it just blows my mind.

I suppose my main point is just the question of why does he think he's not guilty? And to pay my respects to a family who lost everything due to the poor life choices made by someone they didn't even know.

If you're interested, friends of the family set up a Myspace as a tribute to the family here

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

blogging for the better

As I prepare to continue my blog from last semester, I can't help but hope to gain more from this project this semester over last. Last semester I was a little lazy and not too energetic. This semester I hope to keep up my blog with interesting posts that spark interest and hopefully some comments. Oh goodness, comments. Thats another thing I have to work on. Commenting on other people's blogs with regularity. How will I learn to have an opinion (because lets face it I don't really have one on anything) and think critically?

According to an article from News in Science at, blogging should help me do both those things. Anne Bartlett-Bragg, who is a lecturer at the University of Technology in Sydney makes many wonderful points about blogging in the article. She says, among other things, that blogging makes students think critically. It also causes students who are normally shy and withdrawn to really engage themselves and make their opinion heard. Students also have to learn to take responsibility for what they post. Anyone can read the blog so it had better be correct. Receiving comments also helps students. It lets them know that someone is listening to what they have to say and has an opinion of their own on it. I know that whenever I get alot of comments, it really helps me keep blogging because I'm interested to see what others have to say.

All in all, I'm pretty optimistic about this semesters blog. I really hope to make this one a good one and maybe even keep it up after the year ends.